Café Crem

Art, Music and Words around The Coffee Table

We are so lucky….

Just saying hello......

An ass in the wild.........and a donkey in the background

Every day, Miki and I head out at 12.40 to nearby Vera for our 1k swim.  It’s about a 20k round trip, and we take a usually deserted back road which almost goes ‘as the crow flies’ between our place and the pool.  It always seems like something amazing is happening on that road, giant lizards scuttle across in front of you, or a snake coils its way from one side of the road to the other, or great flurries of brightly coloured birds fly above us. The other day, the whole road seemed to be dancing with wedding confetti, when in fact, as we got closer we realized it was a myriad of butterflies.

"I'm staying with Dad....."

"Oi!!! What you looking at???"

Lately, we have taken to seeing a lovely donkey patiently waiting at the side of the road when we pass, and yesterday we could resist no longer and Miki got out to say hello.  Today we also decided to get some photos of the wonderful horses that we pass in the stables near the pool.

"I think horses are overrated..... (((sniff)))) "

How lucky we are!  Not only to be able to go off and swim every day, but to drive through this beautiful countryside that serves up fresh surprises at every turn.

Kev Moore

July 16, 2010 Posted by | animals, fun, life, nature, photo, travel, writing | , , , , , , | 9 Comments