Café Crem

Art, Music and Words around The Coffee Table

The apple never falls far from the hearts…

By Miki

Apple and hearts and Valentines

In German we have a saying

“Der Apfel fällt nicht weit vom Stamm”

“The apple never falls far from the tree”

which means something like: children always copy their parents, look like them, behave like them, etc…

I don’t want to discuss here the truth of this expression, I much prefer to change it a little bit and remind all of you that it is soon Valentines. Why the apple? Well, last year, on Valentines day, when I came to my Apple laptop in the morning, it was covered with hearts… they looked like leaves fallen from a tree… this gives me an idea: I should sell Apple following motto

“The hearts never fall far from Apple”

Anyway, I would love a Valentines party in Cafe Crem on the 14th. Love is the most important theme on the world, so I think we could at least give it one day, don’t you think so?

February 12, 2008 Posted by | Art, culture, friends, life, love, men, random, Valentines, women | , , , , | 5 Comments