Café Crem

Art, Music and Words around The Coffee Table

A Love Story between a Spanish Bull and an American Cow

I don’t really remember how it all started exactly. But one day a lovely American cow called Ramona appeared on my screen and one of my bulls, Paco, the most bullish of all my bulls, got the hots for her.

It progressed like every other love story on the net: Paco and Ramona kept regularly in contact, most of the time via Ramona’s father Bill (a Cafe Cremer too by the way…), who wanted to keep an eye on it, not so sure that a Spanish macho was the right thing for his delicate Baby Girl. To prove to Bill the depth of his feelings for Ramona, Paco then got a tattoo done with a heart and an “R’ and a arrow on his shoulder. Bill was very impressed indeed, and Ramona too.

But even that was not enough, as always in real love stories. Soon, Paco wanted to have the real Ramona close to him. Aware of the distance and above all of the big pond between him and his Honey,  he tried to learn swimming. But he had to give up as he got panicky in water.

He then tried to get wings added, having read somewhere about winged bulls, and got some indeed,  but this didn’t work either: he panicked in the air as well!

Paco finally  fell into a deep depression. It was heartbreaking to see.  This is when Bill, seeing that Ramona also was falling into depression and losing her beautiful hair, took an heroic decision:

to send his daughter to Paco to Spain!

Now, Bill is a man of words and action, and on the 25th of November 2008 he wrote to me

… Ramona is beside herself with anticipation.  She has been bugging me to touch up the gray spots on her hide with black shoe polish.  So better not lean against her.
They belong together…”

There were many complications, but finally, and on the 16th of January 2009,  I receiving following mail:

“… Ramona started her trip yesterday.  Tell Paco to say goodbye to his other romances.  She and I have been practicing saying MOO in Spanish.  I hope this gives a favorable impression to Paco…”

We were all over the moon here, (like the cow that jumped over it)  above all Paco, as I’m sure you can  imagine! There were some more painful complications on the way from the USA to here, so bad, that in the last moment we thought Ramona would have to be imported back to her native country. But Bill showed an incredible commitment to this young love and now, here they are, together, under the Andalusian sun, so happy! I am lurking sometimes around them, to keep an eye on what is going on, and I think I heard that they wanted a baby… this means: WE might get pregnant one day!

Here is a photo taken on the first day we let Paco out to see Ramona. He was so stormy that I had to ride him and hold him by one horn, to try to keep him a little bit calmer. One notices the typical female look of indifference on Ramona’s face


By Miki

February 11, 2009 Posted by | animals, Art, Cafe L'Arte, Cafe Literati, family, friends, fun, humor, Miki's Short Stories, WR Jones' Paintings | , , , , | 10 Comments