Café Crem

Art, Music and Words around The Coffee Table

The greatest cafe in the world(Cafe Crem)

On my daily walk along the rivier Simon

“Books are like wines_you develop a taste for them, and everyone has a unique palate”

“What is Wisdom without light.
Disenchanted finds me.
Primrose evenings.
Beyond Evenings Darkness.”

{written by Michael Pokocky on his quest in 2009}

How is everybody doing?  Hope you had a great 2009 and I am sure 2010 marks a new decade of hope and dreams being realized and fun.

I have been on a long quest for clarity, wellness and achievement.  I have succeeded.

I feel a wonderful sense of presence and purpose in all areas of my life.  For that I am grateful.

I know a new path was presented to me when I befriended all of you on Cafe Crem.  It was fun but at the same time I had not solidified in my mind a sense of who Michael is and therefore I might, and most probably had, given many different impressions of myself.  The good the bad and the ugly churned inside of me and I am afraid I might have poisoned people’s perception of me.  For that I apologize, but having realized the struggle to define oneself with transparency, authenticity and integrity is difficult when one is lost.  Lost is probably the best word to describe my state of mind.

I spent 2009 getting healthy, working on revisions of my book One More Day, exploring the business of publishing to great depths trying to figure out where the future of publishing lay and all of this work I did alone.

I have been active on twitter and facebook and found a home of writers on Redroom.  In these three places I tried to be a good friend, provided assistance to those in need, asked a lot of questions and listened and learned that giving with love and compassion is what I like to do.  Living a life of love and compassion has given me a reason to get up every day.  Paulo Coelho says everyone has a personal legend; a reason why you are here.  I found mine.

Its not about what Michael wants.  Its about helping others to be better, happier, more at peace and motivated to get up in the morning too.  What I once did for a dream of being something, someone, I know do out of pure enjoyment.  This new dip into new waters refreshes me beyond anything I have ever done.  The irony is now thing seem to come together for Michael.  I don’t even try to figure out why anymore.  I just am at peace with it.

As this is the first day of 2010 I came up with a resolution: My resolution this year (2010), and you’re welcome to join me, is to do something every day of the new year that scares me.  Not scared as in putting myself in danger, but rather going to the edge of the cliff without falling off and knowing each time I can make it back.  Going to the edge is a metaphor for trying to do my best each day no matter what is in front of me, behind me or ahead of me.  There is only the present moment and I want to be fully present in each moment and do what ever it takes to do that.

Oh it has been a long time since I was here and yet writing this this morning I feel like I never left.  Its natural to be here.  That is probably the most profound experience Cafe Crem and the people here give me.  It is truly a place where we can come and go without judgement, fear or hesitation.

And for that I am truly grateful I met Miki in the first place and felt so proud that she invited me to be a member of the greatest cafe in the world.

Happy New Year everyone,


January 1, 2010 - Posted by | Art, friends, news


  1. It’s so nice to hear from you again, Michael! I’ll see you out on that cliff this year 🙂

    Comment by shelleymhouse | January 2, 2010

  2. Books are like wines_you develop a taste for them, and everyone has a unique palate.

    I like that idea very much. And two thumbs up for purpose and gratitude. ^O^

    Comment by sittingpugs | January 2, 2010

  3. Hi Michael,
    glad to hear you’re still around and making progress.
    2009 was a year of extremes for me, both personally, professionally and in pretty much all ways. Some very exciting things happened and continue to happen, some awful things (like my dog getting cancer) some worrisome things (four trips to ER, one with an eye injury at work, one when I passed out with pain, one to take my daughter to be stitched after an accident and yet another to take my husband to the emergency eye clinic when he got punched in the eye(kung fu, not a mugging!)
    This year is going to be a humdinger too. Work wise, I have a few trips coming up: Austria next month, Paris in March, Normandy and Paris in May and others too. teaching, don’t know yet but my horrible boss got sacked in August and things have been better since then.
    Writing wise, interesting things going on and hope to post more when I have definite news to share.
    Life is a whirlwind; don’t hang your washing out or it’ll blow away!
    Happy New Year to you and to everyone!

    Comment by viv66 | January 5, 2010

  4. Hey, ok, I get it, I guess – but does this really work?

    Comment by vinna roulette | January 8, 2010

  5. …and a Happy New Year to you Michael! Good to see you here again. We’ve neglected the Cafe recently, but perhaps our upcoming trip Stateside will see us posting more regularly with tales of our trip.

    Comment by kevmoore | January 9, 2010

  6. I cannot believe this will work!

    Comment by игры рулетка | January 10, 2010

  7. This brings me to an idea:…

    Comment by Roulette Tip | January 11, 2010

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